Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Cat Tails and Flowers Winners

Cattails and Flowers


                        Best of Show:  Bonnie Kostrzak

Runner-up Best of Show:  Rick Eyre

Award of Excellence: Karen Aulik-Now

                                                             Christine Kysely


                        Honorable Mention:  Cindy Markowski

                                                              Pat Plunket

                                                              Christine Kysely

Embodiment of Spirit:  Jean Huntoon

Mind over Matter winners

Winners!!          Mind Over Matter:  The Artist Revealed


                        Best of Show:  Sharon Dowis

 Runner-up Best of Show:  Mary Murphy

Award of  Excellence:  Karen Aulik-Now 

                                                               Sharon Feathers

                                                               Laurie Tenpas

Honorable Mention:  Sharon Dowis

                                                             Christine Kysely


Embodiment of Spirit:  Cindy Markowski

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Minutes Notes from the Feb 19th Meeting............

Jori Hoffer – Our newest member.  Welcome Jori!!  Likes working in acrylic.  Finished an amazing pair of  Vans (canvass shoes for those of us not hip to teenage fashion!).  Had an idea for “Cattails and Flowers” but just can’t seem to get a small part of the painting just right but hopes to compete on the next show!

Betsy Popp -   brought us a bunch of web sites and phone numbers for up-coming art events.  As always, Betsy, you bring a lot of laughter!  Info as follows:  Sat. June 13 9-4  920-892-8409


Paine Art Center and Gardens, Oshkosh , contact Doris Peitz  920-235-6903 ext.22   2 venues  Sat May16  Sun July 12


Northern National Pastel Exhibition  June 13, July 12


Madison Audubon Society – Sat May 2  608-255 2473


Appleton Art Center 49th Annual Art in the Park  sat July 26  920-733-4089


Northern National Art  Competition - Rhinelander 715-365-4556


Hodag on Parade  715-362-7374 the richeson 75 landscape, seascape and architectural show and the figure / portrait show  this summer


Color theory at  Yawkey Art Museum:  See brochure


Wisconsin Arts Board.   5 x 7  maximum size art.  Grants.


July 3-8 Chicago learning art expo - art supply

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Art Pickup and a Display opportunity!

If you have art at Trigs, pick up is Sunday April 5th, 5pm.

If you would like to display and sell your work there, you can bring 2 or 3 pieces without paying an entry fee.  This is not a show with a theme; but an opportunity to display your work to the public at no cost to you.

Email me if you are interested, so we have an idea of how many pieces we will be hanging.

You will need to provide the following information ......  TITLE, MEDIUM, YOUR NAME and PRICE so tags can be printed and ready to hang with your work.  

Have a great day .... Sharon