Monday, July 13, 2009

There will be a meeting at the clinic on Thursday the 16th.

Social hour 5 - 6 pm
Meeting @ 6 pm.

Please don't forget ..... the doors are locked at 6pm; so arrive early.

A representative from a local bank will give a presentation on banking through your web site; on-line security, acceptance of credit cards and how to set up on-line sales.

Some Member News .......

Angela Young and Sharon Dowis were juried into The Northern National Art Competition at Nicolet College in Rhinelander. The opening reception is on Tues July 21st at 5pm. There is a $15 charge for this event that includes an hors d'oeuvre buffet, gallery viewing, Judge's presentation and entertainment. This is a very fun and informative event. Call 715-365-4512 for tickets no later than July 17th. Tickets will not be sold at the door.

Jean Huntoon, Laura Nelke and Sharon Dowis were juried into the Culture and Agriculture show at New Visions in the Marshfield Clinic - Marshfield. The Artists' Reception is on Sunday August 9th from 1 - 3:30 pm.

Joyce is taking a Tom Lynch watercolor class.

Karen Aulik-Now will be taking a website class at Nicolet College

Betsy Popp is in the Grand Canyon being filmed for "Women Artists of The Grand Canyon" - a video which will play at the Park's Visitor Center.

From Dawn Olson .. "Welcome to the Alexander House Museum in Port Edward on July 17th, from 5-8 for my art opening. We will have great refreshments, wine, and live violin music to enhance the quintessential art viewing experience! If you are interested in applying to exhibit your work here, please contact Everything is covered including color invitations, reception, new coverage and no commission. It is really a wonderful, professional experience!"

Please come to the meeting and share YOUR art news!

Hope to see you there!

Sharon and Christine

-- Post From My iPhone

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